The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

David L. Lynn, Robert L. Taylor, Dr. MRS. EMMA STOVER the Mountainside Chape! the Apopka area 26 years 8 William Roomson, Kaipn noser, a ru.

tatan McKea. Julian kers and a member of the 40 and 8 of Westchester HOUCK, 86, 2624 Lafayette Mountainside, N.J. ago. Harvey, Marl Endnote, the Rev. Ben Black, and ail members of thg rlanbo fcrrtttarl PIMM OA 1-4411 Classified OA MSM Winter Park, died County, N.

and the Survivors include daugh Official Board of the Concord Methodist Cnurch, Orlando. Fairchild she came here In 1 9 6 2 from Dorchester, Mass. She was a member of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Episcopal. Surviving are her hus Survivors include widow Sudie Bell, Apopka; son Charles Greensboro, Police Athletic League.

ters, Mrs. Freeda Daggart Funeral Home, Lake ivannoe, charge of arrangements. Friday. Born in Terre Hill, Pa and Mrs. Janet Harding, HASEMANN, MRS.

CATHERINE T. she came to Winter Park four years ago. She was a N. mother, Mrs. Zettie Survivors include widow, Katherine daughters, Mrs.

Charles F. Kelley, Saturday, August 7, l5 both of St. Cloud; sisters Mrs. Elsie Vahr, and Mrs Marie Mandl, and brother E. Whittington, Durham band, George Kingston Jen ember of the United Rosary service tor Mrs.

tainerine i. Hasemarut, 94, 1401 I. Division Avenue, Orlando, who died Thursday at her home, will be held Sunday evening at 7 p.m. at the Fairchild Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral Mi it will be ceieorated Monday at I a m.

at St. Jamas Catholic Church with Brethren Church. N. sisters, Mrs. Lillie nings; son, David, Orlan Genesco, N.

Mrs. Bar rett Coughlin, Portland, Henry Webber all of Moun Surviving are soiv, West, Erwin, N. Mrs do; daughter, Mrs. LeRoy tainside, N.J. and three Msgr.

T. perrenv onicierma. Interment will be ka WOOdlawn and Mrs. Patricia Ann Voris, Osgood, Inc Chester Houck, New Hoi land, daughters, Mrs Adams, Orlando; and grandchildren. Memorial Park.

Mrs. Hasem*nn was dagnolo, Larchmont, Mrs. Pearl Lee, Lillington, brother, James Porteous N. sons, James Mellin Cora Dietrich, Winter Park, Eiselstein, Fisk Jour nigan, St. Cloud, in charge N.

Mrs. Ola House born In franklin equare, von Island. N. and moved to Orlendo In 1921 from New Jersey. She was member of St.

James Catholic Church, and the Gold Star Mothers of the American Legion Memorial Post Poughkeepsie, N.Y. and Mrs. Weaver Martin, Glassborough, N. and Apopka, and Mrs. Trudy Fairchild Funeral Home Richard Mellin, Port Whittington Bryant, Alta New Holland, eight grandchildren and 24 great MR.

THOMAS J. WAG No. 19. Orlando, surviving are: sons: is in charge. O'Connor, Tex.

monte Springs; brothers, Conrad Hasem*nn, Walter Hasemann, Orlando; daughters: Mrs. Emma NER, 84, 937 S. Alabama Lankford Orange City grandchildren. Obituaries MRS. MARY LEITA CRUM, 52, 427 Dover Street, died Thursday.

A native of Sparks, she came to Orlando in 1961 from Groveland. She was a nurse's aid and a Baptist. Surviving are her husband, Emerson sons, Fred A. and Marvin L. of Orlando, Henry Tampa, and Preston J.

Union Park: daughters, Mrs. Marvin G. and Samuel J. George, Orlando, Mrs. Elizabeth DeLand, died Friday, CraDtree.

Jacksonville, Mrs. Agnes M. MRS. CATHERINE T. Chapel is in charge.

both of Apopka, Joseph Brown, Orlando; IS grandchildren. 24 Garden Chapel Home for Funerals will send the A native of Shelbyville greet-grandchildren, a great-great-nrjiuirhiidrM Fairrfclld Funeral USAF, Valdosta, and HASEMANN, 94. 1408 S. Division died Thurs Home, Lake Ivanhos, in charge of body to New Holland, he moved to DeLand 28 years ago. He was a two grandchildren.

arrangements. day. for services and interment, MR. CHARLES C. RYAN, 87, father of City Manager C.

C. Ryan, Win Bray Funeral Home, JINNINOl. MRS. RUTH ISABEL retired railroad employe. Funerel services for Mrs.

Ruth Isabel Apopka, is in charge. Jennings. 46. rieze court, MR. WILLIAM DAVID ter Haven died at his home Survivors include Mrs.

Samuel Pizer Orlando, who died Thursday at her BELLOMY, 72, Rt. 2, Box Friday in Punta Gorda. CPO BARNEY MILLER A native of Franklin Square, Long Island, N.Y., she moved here in 1922 from New Jersey. She was a member of the Gold Star Mothers and the Auxiliary home, will be held Saturday evening at 7 pm. at the Fairchtid Funerel Home Chapel, with The Rev.

Canon and Mrs. Wayne Price, 190, Orlando, died Friday. 50, 104 Jay Drive, both of DeLand. Mrs Joseph Anastasi, officiating. Mrs.

Jennings will then be forwarded to the I he city manager was with his father when he died. He had been sum Altamonte Springs, died Margaret Vaughn, Tampa, Mrs. orothy Turner, Born in Arlington, he came to Orlando five years ago from Tulsa, Thursday. 1 i Lane, Daytona Beach, and Mrs. Clyde Matthews, Jacksonville, 14 of American Legion Memo BIKINI-CLAD LOVELIES TO SELL GAS LONDON (Reuters)-An' independent gasoline firm will use bikini-clad beauties fo bring out the tiger in passing motorists and hopefully to bring in business.

A 1 1 ractive saleswomen will be paid 280 a week to persuade service station owners of the quality of the product. If the owner falls for them, or it, the shock-troop bikini girls move in to offer passing motorists free gasoline for an hour on the first day of the changeover. Cecil Jackson, owner of European Petroleum, told reporters he would also offer regular 90-octane fuel at 10 cents a gallon less than the recommended price of the country's major gasoline suppliers. Requiem Mass For Brown Set Requiem Mass for Lt. Edward D.

Brown who was killed July 29 when his jet plane was shot down over Viet Nam, will be said at 11 a.m. Saturday from St. James Catholic Church in Orlando and St. Gabriel Catholic Church in Charlotte, N. C.

Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown who reside at 2721 Jamie Moultrie.

Mrs. Bar A retired chief petty of Murray Funeral Home, w. koxdh v. Massachusetts for further services and interment In the Wyoming Cemetery. Mrs.

Jennings was born In Melrose, Massachusetts, and moved to Orlando in 1962 from Dorchester, Mass. She was member of the moned while vacationing in Columbus, Ohio, when his rial Post 19 of Orlando. She Okla. He was a supermar bara Trowbridge and Mrs. Margie Pendergrass, both ficer of the U.

S. Navy, he was employed by Antenna belonged to St. James father was stricken sud ket assistant manager and grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Eoiscooal Church. Cathedral of St.

Luke. Surviving arg husband, Georue a veteran of World War I denly on Wednesday of Orlando: mother, Mrs. Systems, Inc. He was Catholic Church. Surviving are sons, Con rad and Walter, and daugh Mattie Wise, Winter Hav Surviving are widow, Kingston Jennings; son, David Jen-nings; daugMer, Mrs.

LeRoy Adams, all of Orlando; brother, James native of Philadelphia, A 1 1 rhill Funeral Home, DeLand, fs RUSSELL ALLEN 1 1 a Orlando; en; brother, B. J. Wise, Porteous, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Fair. Child Funeral Home.

Lake Ivanhoa, where he was a mem ber of Hevra Tillum Syn ters, Mrs. Emma George sisters, Mrs. E. W. Larkin, Valdosta, sister, Mrs.

BURNS, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William in charge. MRS. JOHN W.

BUF and Mrs. Agnes M. Brown, agogue. He came to Al PFIRRMANN, MRS. PREEDA P.

Funerel services tor Mrs. Freeda P. Pflrrmann, 49, 511 Lake Snore Fort Worth, and Mrs. Rose Stuard, Mansfield, Virginia Fordham, Winter Haven; and 14 grandchil all of Orlando, and Mrs Burns, Sanford, died Thurs tamonte Spnngs in 1959 FINGTON, 77, Buffington Drive, St. Ckwd, who died Thursday, will be held Tuesdev In Westfiekt Elizabeth Crabtree, Jack Tex.

from St. Simons Island, Ga day at a Gainesville hospi tal. Road, Ocala, died Friday, sonville. Also 15 grand H. J.

Interment will be Falrvlew Cemetery, Westfleld with Grev's Garden Chapel Home for He was a member of the Born in Young Harris, Also surviving are broth Funerals is in charge. Fleet Reserve Unit. children, 24 great-grandchildren and six great- Funeral Home In charge. Giselstein, Flsk Journlgan Funeral Home, St. Cloud Is in charge of local arrangements.

she came to Florida in 1918. She was a member of Surviving are widow ers, Glenn and Stephen, and sisters, Sue and Chris, great-grandchildren. Funeral Notices Jean, son, Robert and SCARBORO, MR. CHARLIE ALVIN-. Olivet Baptist Church.

all of Sanford. Fairchild Funeral Home daughters, Sherian, Eliza Brisson Funeral Home, is in charge. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. W. L.

Thomas and BURNS, RUSSELL ALLI" Funeral Sanford, is in charge. beth and Sara Jean Miller, all of Altamonte Springs, and sisters, Miss Ethel Miller and Mrs. Lillian Funeral services tor Mr. morue Alvm Scarboro, 70, Plant Street, Winter Garden, who died Thursday, will be held from Loomls Funeral hom*o Chapel at 2 a.m. Sunday with the Rev.

Thomas H. Hamilton officiating. Interment will be in Winter Garden Cemetery. Loomls Funeral Home, Winter Garden, is In charge. Mrs.

J. Fred Smith, both of MR. CHARLES E. PI services for Russell Allen Burnt, i. son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Burnt, Sanford, will be held from Brisson Funeral Home at 10 a.m. Monday. Interment will be In Sylvan Lake Cemetery under direction of Brisson Funeral Home, Sanford. ATT, 75, 734 Garden Plaza, MR.

B. M. (MAC) CAR Gainesville, Mrs. W. E.

1 1 gton Orange UTHERS, 88, brother of died Thursday. dren. Hawthorne Funeral Home is in charge. MR. FREDERICK MANGOLD GLAZIER, 66, 1531 Normandy Deltona, died Thursday.

orn in Philadelphia, he came to Deltona l'2 years ago from Silver Springs, Md. He was a printer and a member of the Inter national Typographical Union and the Deltona Citizens Association. Survivors include widow, Cecilia; sons, Frederick M. Jr. and Robert both of Wheaton, John Laurel, daughter, Murphy, both of Philadel phia, Pa.

He came to this area 67 WEAVER, MRS. CECILIA SHERIDAN INOLISH, MISS VIRGINIA CLARIECK John Caruthers, Orlando, died Sunday in Dade City. years ago from his native Fairchild Funeral Home Born in Webster, he was will send the body to Ohio. He was a retired construction mechanic and a member of the Methodist Arlington National Ceme Church and a retired road member of the Conway tery for services and inter Methodist Church. ment.

Park, and Mrs. J. D. Morse, Tallahassee; sons, G. T.

and J. E. Buffington, both of Ocala, N. C. Buffington, Ringgold, J.

B. Buffington, Lakeland, W. D. Buffington, Tampa; sisters, Mrs. Ola Smith and Mrs.

Lucille Porter, both of Chattanooga, Mrs. T. T. Norton, Lafayette, and Mrs. Ross Young, construction worker for Cone Construction Compa Surviving are his widow, ny in Tampa.

Rosary service tor Mrs. Cecilia Sheridan Weaver, 70, 1607 Eola Drive, Orlendo, who died Thursday In a local hospital, will be held Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Fairchild Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral Mass will be celebrated Monday at 10 a.m. at St.

James Catholic Church, with Msgr. T. J. Farrelly officiating. Interment will be In Woodiawn Memorial Park.

Mrs. Weaver was born In Macon, and moved to Orlando 29 years ago from Jacksonville. She was a member of St. James Catholic Church. Surviving are: husband: George 0 Weaver, Orlando; son: George B.

Weaver Jacksonville; sisters: Mrs. W. F. Allen Winter Park, Mrs. J.

P. McGoldrick, Macon, and Sister M. Nolasco, S.M., Nashville, Tenn. 6 Grandchildren. Fairchild Funeral hom*o Lake Ivanhoa, In charge of arrangements.

MR. KENNETH GOLD, Lena; sons, James E. and William Allen, both of Other survivors include, 43, 570 Westminster Orlando, and Lawrence widow, Mrs. Claudia Car Brooklyn, N. died Fri uthers, Dade City; daugh- Allen, Fort Myers Beach; day.

daughter, Mrs. Marie Mc- Circle, Lt. Brown is survived by his widow, Norma, Char lotte; sisters, Mrs. Calvin F. Cooke, Charlotte, and Kathleen and Lucille Brown, Orlando; brothers Born in Brooklyn, he te Mrs.

Jeanette Wright, City, Mrs. Evalee Clure, Dallas, came here lour montns ago. He was manager oi Dodd und Mrs. Hilda Bran-ton both of Washington; grandsons, Charles and David Piatt; and granddaughters, Priscilla and Mary Beth McClure. Jim, Dennis and John Pat Howard Clothes, Colonial Plaza Mall.

He was brother, Dave, Clearwater; North Sea Oil Areas sister, Mrs. Nanny Blan- Brown, all of Orlando, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. veteran of World War II. Survivors include widow, Carey Hand Funeral ton, Brandon and a number of grandchildren.

Added For Survey Home is in charge. Margaret La jar Melbourne and eight grandchildren. Burial will be in Arlington a i onal Cemetery. Gramkow Funeral Home, Sanford, in charge. MRS.

FREEDA F. PFIRRMANN, 69, 511 Lake Shore Drive, St. Cloud, died Thursday. Born in Hilton, N.J., she had lived in St. Cloud since 1949 and was a member of Mrs.

Dorothy Gold; son, Steven, and daughter, Harriet, all of Orlando. LONDON The British Funeral service was held Dade City and burial MRS. LAURA O. LAZA i G. T.

Brown, Spartanburg, S. and Mrs. Ellis Oakwood, Florence, Ariz. Firm Asks Delisting On American Board RUS, 87, former resident of in was in tne family plot Carey Hand Funeral Miamiville, Ohio? brother, Pendleton Bryson, Ringgold, 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. J.

Miles Hiers Funeral Home, Ocala, is in charge. MR. RAEMON C. RICH-ARDS, 70, 655 Merrimac Deltona, died Friday. Born in Rockville, he had lived in Deltona for two months.

He was a veteran of World War I and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Yonkers, N. Y. He was a- life member and past com-m a of Bodenstat-Thomas Post No. 884, government Friday threw open additional oil ex Webster, Wednesday.

Home will send the body to Winter Park, died July 30 at Bradenton Manor. ploration areas in the New York for services and MRS. CECELIA SHERI Born in Hazelton, North and Irish Seas and Funeral services tor Miss Virginia C. English, 33. 3003 Friendly who died Wednesday In a local hospital will be held Saturday at II a.m.

at the Bear Lake Methodist Church, 1010 Bear Lake Road, Apopka, with the Rev. Robert McBrlde, the Rev. w. M. Irwin and the Rev.

Ben Blackburn officiating interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Miss English will Ha In state at the Fairchild Funeral Home Friday evening from 7 until 9 p.m., at which time friends may call and Saturday morning from 10 a.m. until service time at the church. A native Orlandoan, Miss English graduated from Orlando High School (OHSi In 199 and was the recipient of the Good Citiienship Cup by student and faculty vote on her 2raduahon from Orlando Junior oi lege with honors In 1951. She completed her luntor year at the University of Florida In the College of Education, working, for degree in secondary education, English and speech certification.

Illness prevented her from completing her work. In Orlando she had been employed as a substitute teacher and In various positions at Orange Memorial Hospital, Orlando Daily Newspapers, Orlando Junior College and a local radio station. She was the first woman president of the Orlando Junior College Alumni Association 1953 ia and edited the Alumni Niche, newspaper originated during her term of office. She was recipient of a special alumni award presented at the annual OJC Founder's Day banouet. Miss English was a member of the Women's Auxiliary of Orange Memorial Hospital and a member of XI Delta Kappa Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority.

She was program co-ordlnator for the 1962 Florida State Beta Sigma Phi Convention held In Orlando. While she was at Duke University Hospital undergoing treatment, Beta Sigma Phi and the Orlando Sentinel-Star sponsored a "Virginia English Hospital Fund" raising program. Miss English was also intensely active In Methodist church work. She was a member of the Concord Park Methodist Church originally and participated In all Its youth activities, sang in the choir, taught Sunday School and was a member of the Rachel Eaton Circle, Women's Society of Christian Service. In March 1963 she became a charter member of the Bear Lake Methodist Church and was a member of Its official Board, teacher of the Adult Bvkota records chairman, membership secretary.

Commission on Missions member, choir member and first president of the WSCS. From 1962-65 she served as chairman of public relations for the Orlando District of WSCS. Surviving are: father, Havis Brantley English Sr.) brothers, Havis Brantley English Beniamin T. Engiishi sister, Mrs. Margaret Evelyn Roberts; nieces, Karen Jan and Susan a I Roberts; nephew, Beniamin Brantley English.

Active pallbearers will be Jere E. Dotten Harold E. Irwin, Sgt. Johnny J. Morgan, Grant Mueller, Leg A.

Salmi, Glenn H. Whipple, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jr. Lucas Baird.

Honorary pallbearers will be Morris S. Hale John McCiain, Or. A. N. Horton, Dr.

C. C. Rickett, Dr. I she moved to Florida about DAN WEAVER, 70, 1607 S. extended them to the En NEW YORK A formal Eola Drive, died Thursday.

25 years ago. glish Channel. request for delisting has She was a member of the A native of Macon, been filed with the Ameri The ministry of power, she came here 29 years ago Winter Park Woman's Club, active in the DAR, and a can Stock Exchange by from Jacksonville. She was inviting applications for Wolverine Aluminum member of St. James member of the Winter Park Congregational Church.

Corp. Catholic Church. new licenses, said the new areas covered 38,000 square American Legion in Yoiv It is not known how long Survivors include son, CHAPEL HILL CEMETERY AND MEMORIAL PARK miles. it will be before the Lincoln Park, firm's request is acted on by the Last year the government exchange's governors. The interment.

MR. WILLIAM S. MARSH 42, 1020 Herman died Friday. Born in Bridgeport, Ohio, he came to the Orlando area in 1958 from Akron, Ohio. He was a maintenance man with Orange County for six years and was a veteran of World War II.

Surviving are widow, Ada, and son, William S. both of Pine Castle; parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh, Leesburg; sisters, Mrs. Laura Snider, Orlando, and Mrs.

Irma Flight and Mrs. Florence Harris, both of Akron, and one grandson. Hawthorne Funeral Home is in charge. opened up 86,000 square miles of North Sea. Of these only 3 2,0 00 were request was made Thurs day.

farmed out to the big Under securities regula Surviving are her husband, George Orlando; son, George B. Jacksonville; sisters, Mrs. W. F. Allen Winter Park, Mrs.

J. P. McGoldrick, Macon, and Sister M. Nolasco, Nashville, and six grandchildren. Fairchild Funeral Home is in charge.

MRS. RUTH ISABEL JENNINGS, 66, 757 Plaza Court, died Thursday. A native of Melrose, international operators and William granddaughter Suzan and grandson, Martin all of Ft. Walton Beach. Funeral services were held July 31 in Bradenton and burial will be in Hanover Green, Pa.

MR. ALLEN GLEN WHITTINGTON, 55, Forest City Road, Apopka, died Thursday in Clinton, N. C. He was a retired grocer, a Baptist and a native of Raleigh, N. C.

He came to number of smaller firms tions the company also must furnish reasons for its delisting, but has not done so yet. engaged in the North Sea oil race. The exchange said that even after the reasons have Now altogether 9 0, 00 0 been received, there could square miles stand open for tenders by would-be be a delay under federal securities laws. prospectors. 19 SERVICES OFFERED 1 SERVICES OFFERED 32 BOATS, Moton Equipment 1 32 BOATS, Motors Equipment I 32 BOATS, Moton Equipment 1 32 BOATS, Motors Eqwipmew? 16 TRAVEL INFORMATION SAIL.

BOAT Windmill, dacron sail, ROOFING General repelrs, free estimates, work guaranteed. 55- 1843. LONE STAR 14' aluminum; top, windshield, 45 P. electric Mercury, trailer; perfect; 447-5274. lyt rut trailer, S450, pn.

zvj-ooas. SAIL BOATS Prom 1120. $10 down; fishing boats. Surf Sailor Boats, 12 ml E. of Orlando on Rt.

50. 541-2511. CORRECT CRAFT 1944 models In production. Best trade-ins from now through September. See authorized Dealers, Clements Boat Inc.

or CSiP Marine, Inc. In Orlando or Kerr Marine In Winter Garden. CAR DELIVERED anywhere USA, In Orlando 10 yrs. member Chamber of Commerce. Drivers needed for Calif, and Seattle.

Owners Drlveaway. AngeMIt Hotel. 425-1393. Carpenter-Roofing Repairs "Small lobs." Phone GA 5-3041. CONCRETE, foundations.

patios, driveways. Quality work ai a reasonebla price. R. B. Dunn 155-9471.

Classified SKEE CRAFT 17', Inboard-outboard Volvo, fully equipped, tandem trailer, excellent condition; SI Ph. 155-3429. LONE STAR, Eldorado. II' aluminum cabin boat, 75 H.P. Evinrude, trailer.

Satellite Beach 242-4094. ROOFING Hole In roof or whole new root. Free estimates. Smith Roofing. 277-4050 or 277-OOtf.

TRAILEX aluminum boat trailer, light weight, no rust, no paint, all sizes; wa buy used motors; Parker Boat 270. N. Orange 423-1811. CABIN CRUISER, fully equipped, like new. Coast Guard Inspected, several hundred dollars below cost.

DRIVERS WANTED for New York City, Philadelphia, Connecticut, Boston. Auto Drlveaway Co. Phone. 41-43. MERCURY '59 10 H.P.

outboard motor, 135 or trade for good Western saddle. Ph. 275-llv8. ROOFING LEAKS Repair, reroof, guttering; 27 yrs. experience, insured is yr.

bond. Free estimates, easy terms. GA 2 4455. WANT-AD RATES PHONE GA 3-8511 for Classified Only DEADLINES Phone 241-4134. COLOR STYLING or redecorating? Use services ottered by Welkins Paint Wallpaper.

Only the most reliable painting contractors and paper hangers recommended. Call 425-2537 or 444-1749. DUMPHY BOAT '5 14'4" 45 P. motor all electric and trailer, good condition, CR 7-9503. SKI RIG SALE 14' runabout.

Mercury motor, controls, pes tank, trailer, S295. 13 ft. aluminum runabout, trailer, 25 h.p. electric Evinrude, battery, controls, gas tank, S395. CLEMENTS BOAT CO.

1414 N. Mills; 141-4430 MERCURY too outboard motor, Ride-Guide controls, II gal. cruise tank. Ph. 444-3441.

DRIVERS WANTED for Kansas City, New York City, Philadelphia, Connecticut, Boston. Auto Drlveaway Co. Phone 141-4J9I. Dial UPHOLSTERING, carpets, draperies, and slip covers, best prices, shop at home service, free estimates. Call Whitehurst, 444-4404.

Orange Blsm. Tr. 425-7591. EVINRUOE '5911 A 1150; also 41 Fleetscott, 14 H.P., 45. 444-5415.

Tu. thru Sat. paprt 6 p.m. RESPONSIBLE party will drive your car to New York for gas expenses; ph. Mr.

Mascia, 10 a.m., 155-5880. MARINE TELEPHONES A full line of new and used marine telephones, depth finders, gas detectors, direction finders. Service and accessories at Mobile 8. Marine Communication 293-42M. for adt to go in Sun.

papor 2 p.m. Monday's papor 5:30 p.m. Sun, 20 Personalized Services FIBERGLASS SUPPLIES All types at Orlando Boat Herndon Airport. Closed I p.m. weekdays; noon SaK SABRE CRUISER 1944; If tibreglas.

Mercury 15 HP electric, extras, WOO and assume payments; Ph. 293-5520. (Sunday Hour 12 p.m.) RIDER wanted to share expenses to Cincinnati, Ohio or area. Call 55-1587. (Phono Sorvico Only!) PRAYER OFFERED FOR THE PRAYER OP THE DAY DIAL GA 4-3411 Home Repair Service -V SMALL JOBS AND LARGE.

Courteous, reliable workmen, backed by 27 years of experience and service. Free estlmetes, satisfaction guaranteed. Use our easy pay plan. SMYTH LUMBER CO. 4909 E.

Colonial Drive 141-4470 40 Weber Avenue 141-4450 HOUSE PAINTING BEST PAINT-BEST PRICES any site lob; licensed; 295-W71. LAWN MOWER and edger repair anf rental. At realistic prices. W. T.

Grant Aloma Shopping Center, winter Park, 444-1223; SCOTT 7Vi shift, tank complete, S45. Boat flbreglass by tne All start in Tho GA 3-8511 NEPTUNA 24' houseboat, trailer with retractable wheels, full galley, water storage tank, gas, electric lights, head; stand nqid Inspection; swap for smaller boat or sell for 11,750. Correct Craft Marina, Tltusville. Or phone Tltus- yard. Kh.

455-1122. Orlando Morning Sontinol and FLA. MARINE Is an authorized Evinrude dealer, new and used motors, complete stock ot parts plus a service dept. that know how to give fast efficient service at reasonable price. 1104 N.

Mills St. WEDNESDAY Aug. 10 Leaving for Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio. Will take I or 2 passengers. Reply to S-Ster Box 1207 Melbourne.

Fla. aro pnntod In both Tho Son 31 ARTICLES FOR RENT tinol and tho Orlando Evening Vllie ZSV-U330. Sabre 17' Deluxe top, bow rolls, lounge seats, back and side curteins. 75 horsepow Star on tho samo data. (Minimum ad 3 linos) CRIBS, high chairs, pens, roll-a way beds; sanitized, day, wk mo.

AI Prince, Gore at Lucerne Terr. 17 HAULING MOVING GLASSPAR Seafalr sedan. '40. '40 Mercury 700 engine, Cox trailer, marine head, 4 and 12 gal. gas tanks, extra trailer wheel and tire, electric boat winch, loaded with ex-fras, ph.

447-2457 after 4. er Evinrude motor electric, and zoj Ono iisuo daily 70c por lino Combination daily 73c por Rocket tut trailer, special, only 51,695. Universal Marine Sales, 5410 LIGHT HAULING Local moving, reasonable retes. Free estimates. Open Sat.

and Sundays. 422 137a. PLASTIC WINDSHIELDS and panels, cut to order, any size, or shape. Kennedy Son Plastics, 593 FairvJIla Rd. 293-3880.

RUNABOUT 14W; too, controls, 35 H.P. Evinrude motor, tlit-traller all good condition. Only 1350. for quick sale. 405 Driver Winter Park.

DUPLICATING, photocopying, Thermofex machines rented. Apply rent toward purchase. Check with i mo. w. colonial Drive, 295-2752.

LANDSCAPE design and planting, patios, patio pools and fencing; free estimates, phone 155 0971, Thomas Bond. (Minimum Comb- chorgo $2,19) 10 Baby Sittera, Child Cora SPEED BOAT, 12', and trailer, ISO aunday lee por lino MOVING? Save Vt cost I Rent U-Haul Truck, one-way service to 41 states. 3-ton vans, hand trucks and George aiuerr, uj easr Rooinsofi. Phone 241-3431 and ask for Howard Dye. or best offer.

Also pool table 150; ph. CY 3-5030. (Minimum Sun. Charga $2 58) LAWN SERVICE Mowing, edging, trimming; hauling and fertilizing. Reasonable rates.

Ph. 293-1150. INBOARD-OUTBOARD Hvdrodyne 17 ft. fiberglass, very plush runabout, powered by 110 Merc Cruiser. Has Murray trailer, full canvass.

Save UOO. RANSOM DOWNES 111IS. Orange 425-4447. Open Frl. nites 'til 9 ALTAMONTE-MAITLAND area, ex-perlenced etiild care, any age.

My home. Day, wk, 131-7794. 3 coniocutivo days 50c lino pads available. 141-2261. LOCAL LONG DISTANCE StToAofors Equipment a day COLLEGE PARK area.

Child care by experienced mother. Phone CY 7 coniocutivo days 45c lino Points In Fla. 131-4294; TE I-W07. MOVE YOURSELF. Save SO pet.

50" CHRIS CRAFT YACHT, '51, sleeps 10, new engines, eir conditioned, A-l condition; price reduced, 447-40n. 14I CHRIS-CRAFT Cavalier. May be seen at Sanford Boat Works, IBS v-l engine. 13.250. Call days 131-5211; nites 138-8342.

Orlando Boat Mart PLANS TO BREAK EVERY EXISTING SALES RECORD Count on it! We Mean Business HERE'S PROOF Like new Razorback, 14 ft. all fiberglass funboat, complete-windshield, convertible top, steering, back-to-back seats, hardware, ski eves, safetv-D bottom and motor well. Powered bv excellent Evinrude Big Twin fish and ski engine with all controls, cruise tank, plus Murray HO tilt trailer complete. Absolutely the cleanest used outfit anywhere. Compare elsewhere 1695 Is 1795.

NOW BOAT MART PRICED $499 COMPLETE 15 down 24 mo. to pay Orlando Boat Mart Florida's Largest Marine Dealer 5380 E. Colonial Dr. 275-0773 Open dal ly M. 9-4 Out Of Business BUILDING SOLD, MUST SELL INVENTORY NEW AND USED Boots Motors Trailers Etc.

(DEALERS INVITED) 1965 STOCK (EXAMPLES) Homellte Ree. 11,150 Rlti Glass. Reg. 11,295 15' Cobia Boat. Reg.

595 15' Sport Craft. Reg. I 450 .1450 J-5804. ALUMINUM car top boats, J59 up; 12 plywoods, baitwells S49.S0. MARINE CITY Cassleberry, Hwy 17-92; 831 2474 ii mon marine.

St. Cloud. AVIS RENT A TRUCK 207 W. GORE INBOARD 20' Like new 300 P. engine, trailer, reflmshed.

(1,700. Call GA 4-9711. LAKE CANE Martin area, mature Christian, child care, any agei day, my home or yours If LAWNS, shrubs, and small citrus fertilized; good iob. reasoneoie rates. Call 444-0045, anytime.

LAWN I I 1 1 Dependable, mow, edge, vacuum, trim, rubbish; lob or contract; Smith. 277-79M, LAWN SERVICE, all kinds, small tree work. Call Ml 44400, Rt. Box 435-0, Orlando. 444-351.

LAWN SERVICE-Mowlng, edging, tree trimming and removing, hauling, sodding, filling, any other yard 19 ScKVICES OFFERED day 5 Fivo lottor words 1 lino 8 Pt. Samo rott at 2 linos ordinary typo I at I Samo rato as 3 linos ordinary typo 0 pi Samo rato at 5 10 lis linos ordinary nearby, air conditioning, reasonable, 155-4429. EVERY '65 CODIA MUST GO LOOK AT THESE DOLLAR-SAVING VALUES FOR FUN IN OUR FLORIDA August clearance of 1945 Thunder-birds, Lone Star boats and trailers at wholesale prices. Also Evlnrude ALL SERVICE COMPANY WILL CARE for young baby, days, my home. 321 East Jackson ph.

GA 5-4532. motors. See for yourself. Installations, wiring lobs, air condi- i i sales, ana repairs. BARRETT'S MARINE.

50 SAILBOATS ALL SIZES guaranteed. Day-nit. 424-4442. work; 277 1994. It SPECIAL NOTICES ADDITIONS-Alterations, brick LAWN SPRAYING Chinch bug or 2095 West Fairbanks, Winter Park, block, concrete, Fla.

room, car- liquid fertilizer, a town. 500 yds. ott 1-4. open e-iu. typo Samo rot as 6 linos ordmory typo 24 Pf.

guaranteed; ph. 277-1T94. i DDINT kack u' fcow rail, heavy-duty 13 jrKilll trailer, 30 horsepower Iv in rude. HJt porte. roof repair, painting, gunar( tree estimates.

GA 2-SOSS. ARTHRITIS Neuritis Sciatica, under or over weight? call Reger Health baths. 51 years In Orlando. Phone GA J-4344 LAWN SPRAYING Qualify sodding, BOAT covers, trailer awnings AL'S ARMY STORE 404 W. Church GA S-4932 IJJ (A Free ski belt with this one) JOHNSON '59, II HP only a few hours SI 75 phone Ml 7-4849.

KILLARNEY BOAT CENTER WHERE YOU Save Dollars I94S, 17 ft. all fiberglass sporfcraft Safari runabout wlm walk-thru windshield, back-to-back foam cushioned lay-down seats, convertible top. upholstered side shelf storage, double bottom safety floatation, powered by a 50 P. electric stert Evinrude with tank, battery and controls plus 1945 Murray heavy duty tilt trailer, stop and direction-al lights. Compare elsewhere S169S ONLY $1395 COMPLETE 1945.

19 ft. Sporteraft Safari, all ADDITIONS Plastering and block fertilizing, f-ree Estimates. Londscoping Ml 7-6434 work, down to earrn estimates, can Hall, Sr. 1127 Hall Lane. Samo rato at 9 linos ordmory typo BOAT DOCKAGE and dry storage.

1C TflDUinft V'tlt back to back seats, walk-thru wind 34 Pt. ATTENTION! I Rotten wood! At the edge of aravet topped root? Rot Stop Is auaranteedl Call Jim Consldder, Ml 4-3184. IU IVMiHIV shii told, heavy duty trailer, 3f horsepower electric Kvinrude. New docks and facilities, deep channel, 24 hr. service and surveillance.

All marine and tis supplioa. 40 cts. ft. Inlet Marina, (Free Fire Extinguisher eoea with this) AAA TV SERVICE CO. $1 TV Calls $1 Guaranteed repairs, all makes.

Govt, licensed TV engineers GA 1-3410 Sebestitn, 519-4345. MOWING DONE Acreage or lots; phone 155-0144. OFFICE PLANNING SERVICE. Check with George Stuart for complete planning service tor offices, rugs, draperies, desks, tor Indexing systems, warehouse planning. Check George Stuart, 133 East Robinson.

Ask tor Kan LeLand. A REAL SWEDISH MASSAGE Mrs. Jess H904. AUTO LIABILITY, 10-20-1 121.20 a mo. to Qualified Class I risk.

Call agent. 422-0184 anytime. 17' UniinAV Mu "''h walk-thru windshield, single If nVLIVAI bucket seats. Rocket-tilt trailer, 75 SOOO horsepower electrie Johnson. (Free Tee with this ene) IXuO BORUM Speedy-Craft 14', 30 P.

Johnson, Pelican trailer, full top, excellent. K395. 14 N. Forest GA 2-1557; ADDITIONS-Remodellng, repairs. rail, sleeper seats, ilea esactrematie quality work at a reasonable price.

R. B. Dunn SS-47I. Phone 241-3431 17' DEEP-V Tl CATHERINE PSYCHIC READINGS. By appointment only.

Phone Winter Park 447-3047. horsepower Evinrude heavy-duty $4 JQIT tilt trail. (FrM 19 pound anctw 1 with this beauty) IHJJ PLUMBING REPAIR by retired plumber; faucets, drain cleaning. Water heaters, etc. Ml 4-7713.

BUILDING contractor, all types concrete and block, carpentry, small or large. Justice. GA 5-7941. NURSE has large room, twin beds. fiberglass runabout convertible foam cushioned siesta lounge seets, 1 walk-thru windshield, upholstered side shelf storage, safety double bottom floatation.

Powered by the Big Four, 75 HP. electric start Boats, Trailers, Moton We have made the first I for 13 yrs. and are dwilers tor Johnson motors. If you're poking for quality and recognize It when you see It, you should see Orlando Boat Herndon Airport. We trade, finance and service what we sell.

tor 1 men or 2 women, 1200 mo. Write box 432 S-Star. With Stats 7 heree power efeetramatic 17' SEA QUEEN trailer H.P. Johnson. Reg.

2M $191 Johnson end heavy-duty tilt WILL not be responsible tor any debts incurred by anyone other than myself. Michael Gerald Schubert. BUILD OR REPAIR roofs, screen, gless rooms, masonry, painting. Inside-out. Satisfied work.

I3H211 BULLDOZERS, draglines and other equipment tor all types clearing, lots, acreage, S77-I127. 14' Class Fisher Reg. 179 1191 USED RIGS (EXAMPLES) NEED Winn Dixie right half lo, 90, 100, 300, 700. left halt 40. SO.

Evinrude, tank, battery and controls plus 1945 Murray tandem tilt trailer with stop and directional lights. Compare elsewhere J2295. ONLY $1995 COMPLETE 1944. 20 ft. Cobia cabin cruiser with everything, speedometer, techome-ter.

full canvass, radio, fan, flush 40 Electric Aluminum Rig ...1595 35 Electric Glass Rig 1595 PLASTER REPAIR Freg estimates, licensed, bonded and Insured. 42 5-0041; GA 4-I485. PAINTING, Exterior-Interior; top quality work. Free estimates cheer-fully given. P.

L. Daniels, 155-1584. PAINTING Carpenter "work, glass replaced, roofs repaired. No lob too small. Reasonable.

Call 130-4031. PAINTING, 21 yrs. In Orlando, licensed, bonded, work guaranteed. Homer Hayes and Son. GA M7ii.

CANOEING FAVORITES! Aluma Craft canoes, rugged light weight aluminum, models from IS' to 17" 49 to 92 pounds light. Harwood Marine, 1740 Orange, Winter Park, Ml 7-1349 Tho Sonttnol-Star will not bo rot pen si bio for more than ono incorrect insertion, nor wilt bo liable for any error in advertisem*nt to a greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by tho item in the advertisem*nt. Tho Sontinol-Stor reserves the privilege of revising or rotocting ony advertisem*nt which it dooms objectionable end to change the classification of any advertisem*nt from that ordered to conform to the policy of tho papor. No od'iustmont will bo made on errors thot do not materially affect the value of tho advertisem*nt. Classified Display DEADLINE 4 00 p.m.

day before insertion subject to space allowances. 12 noon Sat. for piper. KONf GA 3-8511 or WRITE CLASSIFIED PO. BOX 2833, OHondo, Fla.

USED MOTORS (40 mi SPllt. 277-4488. MARIE at Mid Fla. Massage. Mon.

to Frl. Air condU'nned. 1202 N. Mills. Call GA 4-4921, BUCYRUS-ERIE draglines.

IV to 1H yds. D-7 bulldoiers, 17-A. New machines. First class operators. All tvnes land-clearing.

Canals, fills, lakefront development. By contract, hour, or tor rent. Fred L. Mobley, 424-290S. 5 0 I MASSAGE Sauna, sulfur, whirlpool baths.

Colonics. Call Elaine 423-9455. PAINTING Very reasonable. Guaranteed, satisfactory, licensed, bonded. L.

Oilman, 275-0994. We have 17' THROUGH 20' Deep-V inboord. ene outboards, runabouts erne) cruise rt at the same fantastic savings. Made by Hie most famous name in Florida COBIA. BOB'S BOATS MOTORS 5393 E.

COLONIAL DRIVE "World's Largest Cobia Dealer" "Home of Johnson Sea Horse Motors" 10 Down, 36 Months To Pay 5303 COLONIAL DRIVE 275-1320 CARPET CLEANING In your home or at plant. Charga It at Sears, lust ph. 041-4354. 12 LOST and FOUND head to name a tew. 1944, 90 P.

i Johnson, electric shift, 30 gal. gas tank, 1964 heavy duty Murray tandem tilt trailer with stop and directional lights. Compare else-': where, S3295. ONLY $2895 COMPLETE 10 pet. down 34 mo.

KILLARjNEY BOAT CENTER I 1:30 to 7 Sun. 1-4 1234 W. Fairbanks Ml 4-tW Winter Park 40 Evinrude C44) 35 Electric Evinrude 1150 30 Manual Johnson 9 25 Electric Johnson 191 14 Manual Johnson I 35 SPECIALS Boat Cushions. CGA 11 91 Life Jackets, CGA 11.91 Ski Belts, Paddles 1 .97 Motor Parts 50 Off List Complete Inventory To Be Sold Friday-Sofurday-Sundoy Lake County Mcrine 1407 N. 14TH STREET tXwv 27-441 LEESBURG A TRY-palntlno-repalrs, free, estimates, no lob too small.

F. L. Daniels I5S-I3I4. CHRIS CRAFT Commander Cruiser 34'. must sell, 4 sleeper, twin Chrysler Sea VI engines, 177 H.P.

low hours. J-S radio, Bendik auto pilot, Kevin-white compass, Rv-bovitcti outriggers, Kwick play rod holders. Other fine equipment including electric refrigerator, etc. Boat has had excellent care. 14,500 net to seller.

1300 Seaway Drive, Ft. Pierce, Fla. Ph. 44I-44X, CHRI4 CRAFT IT- inboard, 120 P. engine, excellent condition.

trailer. Must sell SW5. 155-4891. CANOES Fiberglass CLEMENTS BOAT CO. 1414 N.

Mills; 441-4430. PLUMBING Alterations-new work and repairs, sewer work; water lines. Water healers, pumps and pump repairs, sprinkler systems Installed and serviced. Rose Plumbing, 155-7111; 5425 i. Orange Btsm.

Tr. LOST Brand new red power mower, on Hwy. 441, Ado. and. Ml LOST: Brief case, papers, In Orlando aree, reward.

Call collect John Marshall, Orange, City, 775 -200C. CERAMIC WALL TILE-Floor tile end counter tops; installed and reoalred. Free estimates; 141-303? alter a m. LARSON 11', 75 Johnson electric, i like new, heavy trailer; i RF UPHOLSTERY I A 1 week only, chairs S2S and up, sofas outstanding rig, loaded with eqtup-1 ment, ready to go; $tfr5; terms. See 1 It run; 1715 Klllarnev Ml i CONCRETE WORK By Concrete contrar-tar.

(trivet. LOST: Pekingese-Terrier female, white and tan, no collar, Forest City Rd. area. 295-5749, 447-9044. S50 end up, includes labor ana fabric, call for free estimates, 424-1131.

4-8451 I (Continued oa Next Page) patios, plain and fancy, 7H77..

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.