Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (2024)

Tier Lists

By Mihail Katsoris


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|Hero Wars – Hero Fantasy Multiplayer Battles

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (1)


Updated on July 11th, 2024 - Version 1.205.000 - Added: Soleil

In Hero Wars you want to focus on the best heroes from the very beginning, and for good reason. It takes quite a lot of resources (and time) to upgrade them. So if you want to form a good team, you need to know exactly who to aim for.

Below you will find our complete Hero Wars tier list as well as some more tips on how to make up a good team. tier list and end with tips, so if you're new at the game try to take them into consideration - I'm sure they will come in handy later on and you'll better understand what I mean once you're faced with the situation (bear with me here).

We have a lot of similar games and content likeWarpath best officers tiers list,Last Cloudia Tier List,so feel free to roam through the website a little bit and find some of your favourite games!

Take a look at the complete Hero Wars tier list of best heroes on the next page!

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Hero Wars Tier List - S Tier Heroes

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (2)

  • Aidan - He can shield allies and makes for an outstanding support unit.
  • Kayla - She is an amazing damage dealer that will apply Burn effects on the enemies, which ignore Magic RES and Armor
  • Aurora - She is a powerful tank with great dodging ability and magic reflect.
  • Martha - Has probably the best healing in the game. Together with Jorgen it makes for an unkillable combo.
  • Jorgen - Provides shielding, steals Energy and prevents Energy gain which make him a very good support unit.
  • Astaroth - A decent tank, might be worth investing in.
  • Ziri - Is a strong tank with really high Armor and HP.
  • K'arkh + Faceless (+ Astaroth as tank) - A really good duo with massive damage output.
  • Lars + Krista (Twins) - Together they are a really good magic combo, because they'll buff each others' damage even further.
  • Satori - A powerful Mage who can work well in many teams if given the proper support to be the main damage dealer.
  • Nebula - She can boost the Physical and Magic ATK of 2 heroes, so there can be a lot of great synergies with her.
  • Cleaver - One of the best Physical Tanks in the game. (Cleaver + Peppy have an insane synergy together)
  • Elmir + Dorian + Daredevil - Individually, these units could fall under the A-B tiers, but together they provide a pretty nice synergy that can shred the backline.
  • Celeste - An exceptionally good healer and Magic DPS unit.
  • Yasmine - Very strong unit, great overall damage and amazing debuffer.
  • Chabba - deals good damage over time and can buff his own damage.
  • Mushy and Shroom - a powerful Tank duo that can mitigate a lot of damage in any situation.
  • Tenebris
  • Polaris
  • Lara Croft
  • Soleil


A Tier Heroes

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (3)

  • Brustar - He's a great Tank unit that can mitigate a lot of damage.
  • Julius - An adorable Tank cat that is able to protect allies and make for a great addition to any team.
  • Solaris - She is a good Marksman who can deal great amounts of damage and stun enemies.
  • Fafnir - This Support unit grants shields and offensive buffs to the allies.
  • Jhu - Has the ability to damage the backline, and can also synergize well with Nebula and Thea.
  • Mort - Mort is a support Titan who can buff his allies, granting them Vampirism and boosting their Attack.
  • Luther - Great for crowd control, even better when teamed up with Markus.
  • Lilith - received some buffs, could be worth adding to a team
  • Thea - A very good AoE healer that can further boost units like Jhu, Satori and others.
  • Maya - A great healer.
  • Markus - Another great healer.
  • Keira - A very solid damage dealer who can basically shred through tanks and inflict Silence. (works well with Andvari)
  • Andvari - He's a good support with a Stun, who can also work as a tank depending on the situation. (works well with Keira)
  • Orion - Great at Energy regen and for the damage output.
  • Qing Mao - Great damage output at max rank, definitely worth investing if you have the means.
  • Galahad - He's your starter champion, and in the late game he can be very strong. If you want to go for him, make sure you have the best heroes to support him.
  • Alvanor - Amazing support Mage, can give his allies a barrier and restore HP, but also inflict damage.
  • Cornelius - A fairly strong character that provides Magical defense buffs and supports the team.
  • Oya
  • Riegel


B Tier Heroes

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (4)

  • Peppy - A pretty decent Magical Attacker, who works really well with Cleaver.
  • Sebastian - Decent unit, not really amazing all on his own, but exceptional when paired with Jet.
  • Jet - A decent unit that pairs up well with Sebastian for an added element of damage.
  • Rufus - He can be a good Magical tank, but needs investment. Otherwise, there are better options.
  • Corvus - On his own he is fairly decent, but can be A or S tier if paired with heroes like Keira and Morrigan.
  • Helios - A good support unit that can fill in when needed.
  • Fox - A solid Marksman with blind who can work well to counter K'arkh.
  • Artemis - She can be super strong, but requires quite a lot of investment.
  • Lian - A decent counter to Keira (and other AoE DPS heroes), but might require a little bit of investment.
  • Tristan - Decent unit for dealing damage, can be great in certain team comps.
  • Isaac - A pretty average support that can debuff allies. Works well if you don't have any other better options.


C Tier Heroes

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (5)

  • Arachne - She is very good for the mid-game, but will not pop off later on, so it's not ideal investing in her.
  • Dark Star - Could fall off in the late game, but can be quite good with the right investment. I believe there are better units though, in which you don't have to invest as much to make them viable.
  • Kai - Not really worth investing, but not really D tier. Can somewhat synergize with K'arkh, but there are better alternatives.
  • Ginger - Like I mentioned previously, can be okay early on but it's not an end-game unit. I wouldn't recommend investing.
  • Ishmael - Quite weak, I haven't found a good use yet.
  • Morrigan - On its own it's not an amazing unit, but can be an amazing Keira buffer (can go A-tier or so in that case).
  • Iris - Average mage, not super strong, and highly situational.
  • Avalon - Average support, highly situational.


D Tier Heroes

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (6)

  • Heidi - not worth investing
  • Dante - not worth investing (FB Dante stronger, probably an A-B tier)
  • Astrid and Lucas - not worth investing
  • Phobos - not worth investing
  • Judge - not worth investing
  • Mojo - not worth investing

That being said, here are a couple of tips for when you want to start upgrading your heroes and forming a powerful team.


Invest in just a couple of heroes early on, until you decide what team you want to go for

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (7)

In the early game, you want to invest in just a few select, best heroes, because you don't want to spend your resources all over the place and end up with nothing. When you get units like Astaroth, Galahad, Thea, Celeste or Martha, feel free to upgrade them - they will be useful long-term. Units like Ginger and Arachne are, like I mentioned earlier, heavily early-game focused, so you won't really make good use of them.

To give you an example, Ginger could be a very strong unit early on, and many players could get baited into upgrading her. Please don't, because she will come nowhere near powerful unit synergies like K'arkh & Faceless or Keira in terms of damage.

It's never a good idea to focus on all the heroes at once. You want to really focus on 1 at a time, and once you're done with them, you move on to the next. If you spend your resources all over the place you will fall off in terms of power. Of course, you can just consult our list of best teams in Hero Wars.


Team synergies are extremely important

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (8)

A good team synergy will make a great difference when it comes to defeating bosses and passing more stages. You want to make sure that you either go for a Magic ATK team or a Physical ATK team, not a combination of both. If you want to go for both, do it later on when you have the resources (if a time like that ever comes... I am still waiting and farming).

That being said, make sure that max out your main team first, then, when and if you have the resources, you can work on a second or third team. Consult our tier list to pick the right ones to focus on!


Do your daily Dark Tower... daily

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (9)

Try to do the Dark Tower every single day, especially if your aim is to get stronger ASAP. You will receive a ton of items, tokens and Gold, and if you manage to do a full clear, you'll get even more rewards.

Since the Tower Level is based on your player level, you want to make sure that you claim the rewards only after the level of your heroes is the same as your player level. The Dark Tower could be quite challenging, but you'll get the hang of it since it's super good in terms of upgrading your heroes!

With this, we are closing off our Hero Wars tier list of best heroes ranked, we hope it will come in handy!

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Mihail Katsoris

I've enjoyed playing games ever since I was a kid (which was a long long time ago at this point). It all started off with an Atari 65XE, then came an Amiga 500+, a Sega Genesis, a 386, and the rest was history. I consider myself lucky to have been able to experience the gaming evolution over the years - this is my passion, and what I will continue to do for as long as I can.

Next Up :
Honor of Kings tier list - Every character ranked by their potential

Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked (2024)


Hero Wars tier list - The best heroes ranked? ›

To increase the chances of winning a battle, your team should have one tank, at least one support or healer, and a couple of warriors/mages/marksmen. A tank defends the team, a support or healer restores health and applies buffs, and warriors/mages/marksmen deal damage.

What is the best combination of heroes in Hero Wars? ›

Hero Combinations
  • Basics. Usually, an effective team is built around a few core heroes. ...
  • K'arkh and Faceless. Using his ultimate skill, Nexus of Horror, K'arkh throws opponents into the air. ...
  • Ishmael and Sebastian. Ishmael's Awakening skill increases his critical hit chance. ...
  • Peppy and Cleaver. ...
  • Aidan and Kayla.

What is the best setup in Hero Wars? ›

To increase the chances of winning a battle, your team should have one tank, at least one support or healer, and a couple of warriors/mages/marksmen. A tank defends the team, a support or healer restores health and applies buffs, and warriors/mages/marksmen deal damage.

What are the best heroes in Hero Wars early game? ›

Which Heroes to Invest In and NOT Invest In. Generally speaking, when you start, you can safely invest in Astaroth and Galahad and have no worries; they're good for the long haul. Arachne can help you through your 30's/40's and Ginger can help you a bit further but neither should be taken full-term.

What is the best hero tier list in Hero Wars? ›

Summary: Hero Wars Tier List
ABrustar, Luther, Lilith,,Markus, Keira, Andvari, Artemis, Orion, Qing Mao,, Alvanor, Jhu,
BPeppy, Sebastian, Cornelius, Fox, Corvus, Helios, , Lian, Arachne, Jet, Rufus, Galahad
CDark Star, Astrid and Lucas, Tristan, Isaac, Ginger
2 more rows
Jan 17, 2024

What is the most powerful hero? ›

Most Powerful Superheroes
  • Barry Allen.
  • Supergirl.
  • Wonder Woman.
  • Hercules.
  • Namor.
  • Aquaman.
  • Eric Strauss.
  • Linda Strauss.

What is the hardest hero to get in Hero Wars? ›

Chest Exclusive Heroes(Can only be obtained through the Heroic Chest):
  • Cleaver: He's one of the hardest heroes to get in the game, but if you can get your hands on him, he's extremely useful. ...
  • Martha: Probably the best healer in the game, she's put into many top tier teams, such as Keira, Karkh, and Twins.

Who does the most damage in Hero Wars? ›

Heidi: If you are looking for a pure damage dealer, Heidi is the best choice. Can dodge almost every attack (even magic and pure!) with his violet skill and high dodge stat. Also deals high AoE damage. Maya: Though she is labelled a healer, healing isn't really what she excels at, so not recommended for healer.

Which hero is best for rank? ›

First, we'll start with two tank heroes that we think will help you get a lot of advantage when ranking up.
  • Barats. Barats has a great CC thanks to his abilities and being a tank his durability makes him hard for the enemy team to deal with. ...
  • Minotaur. ...
  • Argus. ...
  • Masha. ...
  • Natalia. ...
  • Benedetta. ...
  • Zhask. ...
  • Vexana.
Mar 8, 2024

Who is the best healer in Hero Wars? ›

Martha – even though we skipped on her in our last article, she's actually considered one of the best healers in the entire game. Few people even dare to debate her prowess anymore. The old lady's Tea Party is essentially an AoE heal that will keep you going through the most difficult of fights.

What is the max level in Hero Wars? ›

The maximum hero level is 130. Starting from team level 30, hero level cap depends on your current team level and cannot be higher than it. complete Campaign missions using heroes you wish to upgrade; use EXP potions.

Who are Tier 1 heroes? ›

The stars in the top level have over 100 crores market. Big names like superstar Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, NTR and Prabhas are in this list.

Who is the best mage in Hero Wars? ›

Cornelius stands as the ultimate mage counter in Hero Wars, offering unparalleled defense against magical attacks.

Who is the strongest hero in my hero? ›

In a match of raw power, there are very few heroes who could come out on top, with All Might likely the only character physically stronger.


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