Blast (2024)


When humanity is in peril and must be saved, he will surely take action.

Sitch on Blast[1]

Blast (ブラスト, Burasuto) is the S-Class Rank 1 professional hero of the Hero Association.[2] He currently appears to be going to various places in order to collect the mysterious cubes, which is a hobby of his.[3] Only a few select Hero Association staff members have the means to communicate with him.[4]

Blast (1) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

He is Blue's father.[5]


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 History
  • 4 Plot
    • 4.1 Hero Association Saga
      • 4.1.1 Alien Conquerors Arc
    • 4.2 Human Monster Saga
      • 4.2.1 Monster Association Arc
    • 4.3 Neo Heroes Saga
      • 4.3.1 Psychic Sisters Arc
      • 4.3.2 Ninjas Arc
  • 5 Abilities and Powers
    • 5.1 Physical Abilities
    • 5.2 Supernatural Abilities
    • 5.3 Fighting Style
    • 5.4 Equipment
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 References
  • 9 Navigation


Blast is a tall, muscular middle-aged man with spiky black hair, a slight beard, and seemingly yellowish-green eyes. He wears bulky armor with large shoulder pads, a large cape worn out at the bottom, and emblems of his name on his chest and the backs of his shoes. His gloves have circles on the back of his fists, which form an infinity symbol when he presses them together to teleport. His suit shows signs of damage, presumably from his many battles. He also wears shades and has a scar running across his face between his eyes. The outline of his iris is a wavy black pattern, as opposed to just a consistent shape seen in other characters.

Eighteen years ago, when Blast first met Tatsumaki, his appearance was largely similar to today, but he looked younger and did not have a beard. Additionally, at that time, neither his armor nor his body showed any signs of damage or injury, and he did not wear shades.

Blast (2) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

In the webcomic, he sports the same spiky hair as seen in his manga appearances and appears to have a simple fabric suit with a front zipper outlined with a fiery contour.[6] His outfit looks similar to Saitama's Hero Suit.

His eyes appear the same as his purported son Blue's: they have multicolored irises, the light near the center but dark towards the outside. His hero costume also appears to be similar to Blue's battle suit, with the gauntlets of both suits having circles on the back of the hand.[6]


Blast does not disclose his personal information in the Hero Association Catalog. However, like Saitama, he considers his hero work a hobby. He also seems to have independent tendencies, keeping his location and status unknown and advising Tatsumaki to use her powers to defend herself rather than expecting others to save her.[7]

In the present, Blast exhibits a casual, easygoing demeanor. He does not seem to be very bothered by Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako touching a mysterious cube, simply explaining its nature to them. Blast was also not angered by the fact that Flash tried to attack him, simply telling him to calm down, and he was willing to teleport them out of the area they were in. He does not question Saitama's presence alongside an S-Class hero, and he answers Saitama's queries about his own arrival. However, he becomes momentarily serious upon recognizing Manako's monstrous nature. But after Saitama provides an explanation, Blast quickly reverts to his relaxed attitude, accepting the answer without further interrogation.[8]

Blast seems to not be completely out of touch with other heroes, as he recognized Bang, addressing the elder martial artist by his hero alias,[9] as well as recognizing Flash and knowing his exact ranking upon meeting him.[10] He also requested Flash and Saitama to send Sitch and Tatsumaki his regards.[11] Blast demonstrates a strong concern for the safety of the Earth, as evident in his efforts to minimize collateral damage when facing Garou, and his grave apprehension over the cataclysmic power unleashed during the clash between Saitama and Garou in the Ominous Future.[12] He also feels responsible due to his failure, which led to the lives of children in the Ninja Village being taken away, as well as the loss of many other lives through related acts of assassination carried out by the village.

Blast (5) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

In the original webcomic, Blast's attack on the Ninja Village also indicates that he doesn't show mercy towards humans who he views as evil, similar to Sweet Mask.[13]


For the past twenty years, Blast, Empty Void (leader of the Ninja Village), and a group of many other collaborators, were searching for mysterious cubes that could turn humans into Mysterious Beings. They had attempted to analyze those cubes.[14]

Blast (6)

Eighteen years ago, Blast saved Tatsumaki from a hybrid monster. He then introduced himself to the young esper and questioned why she didn't use her psychic powers to save herself. Tatsumaki answered that her powers weren't working, but Blast realized she was lying. Knowing she still has her little sister, Fubuki, Blast told her not to expect anyone to save her, encouraging Tatsumaki to use her power and protect her only family.[15]

Blast (7) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

Sixteen years ago, Blast allegedly fathered his son Blue with an unknown mother. Blue would then create the Neo Heroes, becoming a powerful hero in his own right.

Fifteen years ago, Blast fought his partner Empty Void, who was monsterized by "God" at some point, and put the Ninja Village leader into a coma.

Blast (8)

Nine years ago, soon after Flashy Flash left the Ninja Village, Blast attacked the village in order to seize a mysterious cube that was being kept there.

Two years ago, Blast fought and nearly killed Elder Centipede.[16] While battling the centipede monster, he encountered "God" and after refusing the transaction of power from "God", he engaged in battle with the mysterious entity and managed to survive.[17] The sudden appearance of "God" was likely the reason Elder Centipede could escape from Blast. In the Hero Association, only Sitch was aware of that encounter, with Blast deciding to keep the existence of "God" from other people in the association.


Hero Association Saga[]

Alien Conquerors Arc[]

During the S-Class meeting, Child Emperor is slightly disappointed in Blast's absence,[18] which is later confirmed by Sitch who mentions his unknown whereabouts.[19]

Human Monster Saga[]

Monster Association Arc[]

Blast is mentioned in a Hero Association meeting. A staff member is frustrated at Blast's lack of activity despite being the top-ranked hero in the S-Class. Sitch says that Blast cannot be ordered around but has enough faith in Blast that should humanity be in peril, he will appear.[20]

Blast (9)

When Drive Knight asks whether or not Blast will appear if the Hero Association Headquarters is attacked, Sekingar says that it is not very likely, stating that Blast is more or less retired.[21]

During Sweet Mask's mental breakdown, he has a vision of Blast telling him that everything is fine while a dead monster lays beside them.[22] This could mean that Blast saved Sweet Mask from a monster in the past.

Tatsumaki also had a flashback of Blast when he saved her from a monster 18 years ago. This flashback and the advice Blast gave provide Tatsumaki with the motivation to continue fighting even though her body was giving up on her.[23]An object that resembles the cube Blast was holding in Tatsumaki's flashback appears again during the Monster Association raid when Saitama pulls it out to free Flashy Flash's arm from some rubble. The cube is revealed to be extremely heavy, as it was able to get Flash's arm stuck, sink into the ground when Saitama drops it, and Manako was unable to lift it.

Blast (10)

Blast suddenly appears to Saitama, Flash, and Manako after the voice of "God" speaks in their head due to their contact with the cube. He notes how he managed to make it in time and makes sure that they haven't accepted the deal yet. He briefly goes over the schematics of the cube and questions why Flash is so far below the ground. Flash then attempts to "test" the top-ranking hero using his fastest kicks, but Blast manages to dodge and appear behind him in an instant nonchalantly. He notes how time flows slower in the space they're in than outside and that he can take them to the surface. He also questions why they have a monster that's not their prisoner with them but leaves Manako after Saitama's explanation. He then generates a portal to teleport all of them, saying they would meet again and requesting the two heroes to send his regards to Sitch and Tatsumaki.

Blast (11)

On the surface, Blast drops Saitama, Flash, and Manako near Garou before teleporting away to do his unknown business. Shortly later, he teleports to an unconscious Tatsumaki, who has just appeared to resist being tempted by "God", and checks on her condition. He is seen with some injuries that he didn't have when meeting Saitama and Flash before. He remarks on her growth while King and Saitama then notice his presence. Blast talks to them, stating that while he managed to hold "that thing" off at the brink, he allowed it to come in contact with Tatsumaki while he was in a time aperture created by the cube. Blast hands Tatsumaki off, telling King to take care of her and that he needs to go back and provide backup. While King questions what he meant, Blast steps through a portal that appears to have multiple people on the other side and states that he is not fighting alone shortly before teleporting away.

Later on, in another dimension, Blast and several others of his companions notice a disturbance upon Earth that distorts the magnetic and gravitational fields, caused by Garou's attack during his battle with Saitama. They then head toward an unknown seal that holds "God" within to repair it, in an attempt to prevent the entity from breaking out.

Blast (12)

Afterwards, Blast emerges at the heroes' standoff with Garou, who has been empowered by "God", reaffirming Bang's suspicions that Garou is unconsciously being controlled by the mysterious entity. While further explaining Garou's existence would now endanger the life of all living things, and that the cosmic radiation emitted from him would kill the other heroes nearby, Blast offers the Hero Hunter to go into a different dimension to protect the Earth. As Blast notes that due to Garou still retaining some humanity, he surmises that the Hero Hunter must have managed to stave off full impartation of power from "God", wondering what would happen if he had allowed himself to be fully imparted. Garou denies Blast's offer, claiming that he was to become Disaster Level God and an enemy to humanity with the blessing of his new abilities. Bang attempts to stop Garou, but Blast warns him to stay back. At this moment, to Blast's surprise, Genos, using the remaining bits of power he has left, hurls himself towards Garou and headbutts him in the chest, although to no avail. When Garou picks a helpless Genos by the hair with the intent to kill, Blast attempts to protect the young S-Class and a fight ensues. He seems to gain the upper hand in the battle thanks to his exceptional speed and portal abilities. Still, Garou quickly adapts and copies his ability to create portals, creating a new powerful attack that combines Garou's power with Blast's, forcing the top hero to go on the defensive.

Blast (13)

After a brief engagement in battle, Garou claims that Blast lives up to his Rank 1 position but isn't worthy of his time anymore. Knowing that Saitama will return, Garou picks up Genos again and kills the helpless cyborg by impaling him through his chest and tearing out his power core, in order to trigger Saitama to get serious and bring out his full strength. Shortly later, when Saitama finally returns from being launched away by Garou's Gamma Ray Burst, he is visibly distressed with the fact that he is too late to save his disciple and the other heroes while Blast warns the Caped Baldy to stay away, unaware of his strength. However, Saitama, now enraged, charges towards Garou with a Serious Punch, which the Hero Hunter immediately copies and responds with the same attack. Sensing the immense energy behind their fists, Blast becomes greatly concerned that their clash will destroy the Earth.

Blast (14)

Using his portal abilities, Blast manages to quickly teleport Saitama, Garou, and himself outside Earth's atmosphere before their fists collide. When their fists finally make contact, the shock wave of energy released from the collision proves too much even for the highest-ranking S-Class hero to handle, although he is still trying to somehow alter the vector of the destructive energy away from the Earth. At this moment, three of Blast's companions show up and offer him help and together, they manage to redirect the immense energy away from the planet. As a giant circular hole appears out of nowhere in space, seemingly as a result of numerous star systems being wiped out by the diverted energy shock wave, Blast and his companions wonder how far Saitama and Garou have been sent flying from the recoil of their own punches.

Later, due to Saitama traveling to the past and defeating Garou before Blast could appear and fight the Hero Hunter again, therefore saving the other heroes from being killed by Garou's cosmic radiation and changing the Ominous Future, Blast currently does not have remembrance of what took place in the Ominous Future.

Neo Heroes Saga[]

Psychic Sisters Arc[]

After becoming unconscious due to the exhaustion from her battle with Saitama, Tatsumaki sees Blast in her dream. She hopes that he will respect her after she has become as strong as she is now and will teach her a better way to live.

Ninjas Arc[]

Blast (15)

Upon their arrival at the Hero Association Headquarters, Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako seek Sitch's assistance in contacting Blast, only to find him already present. Saitama expresses gratitude towards Blast for his assistance in rescuing them the other day. Blast acknowledges Saitama's immense strength and is glad to have him there. Sitch recalls Blast informing him about Saitama defeating Garou and warns of a looming threat greater than the Hero Hunter. Flash inquires about "God" to which Blast responds that Flash would not stand a chance against such a being. Nevertheless, he confirms Flash's suspicions of a connection between "God," the Ninja Village, and its leader, "That Man." He discloses that the leader of the Ninja Village, called Empty Void, was once his partner in the search for mysterious cubes before succumbing to God's influence. He accepts responsibility for the lives lost due to the Ninja Village's actions. He states that Void and he were evenly matched before the latter gained additional power from "God" and had an advantage during their fight in the past. Despite this boost in power, Blast still managed to defeat and give Void severe injuries that required the ninja leader 15 years to recover from. Flash accuses Blast of being lenient towards his former partner but he remains silent in response. It's revealed right afterward that Blast was at the headquarters to observe the Hero Association's experiment on the monsterized 22nd Super Fight contestants Benpatsu, Volten, and Hamukichi, to see if they could reverse monsterfication done by monster cells. He wishes to turn his partner back into human.

Blast (16)

As they discuss, Blast senses an impending attack from Void targeting the Hero Association complex. In a swift move, he envelops the entire building in a massive portal, teleporting it away from danger. Following the attack, Blast returns the complex to its original location. When asked by Saitama if he can win against Void, Blast replies he will just figure it out. He recounts how he saved the Earth from Garou's excessive cosmic radiation emissions, followed by his brief encounter with Void soon afterward, who absorbed Garou's divine power and is now ready to confront him after making necessary preparations, before explaining the nature of Void's earlier attack, called Dimensional Slash. A challenge letter from Speed-o'-Sound Sonic arrives, mentioning the awakening of "That Man," who seeks Flash's life, and a personal challenge from Sonic to settle with Flash at a specific location known only to the latter. Flash suspects that Void is awaiting him at the place written on the back of the letter, distinct from the location privately known to him. Blast agrees with this suspicion, and he provides Flash a button to call him. He advises Flash to go alone first, as going together might alert Void. With Blast gearing up to face Void and Flash preparing to head to Sonic's whereabouts, Saitama casually decides to enjoy some udon with Manako while trusting Blast's capability to handle this dire situation.

Abilities and Powers[]

As the highest-ranking hero of the Hero Association, Blast stands as an exceptionally powerful combatant. Fubuki mentions that he "sits atop the hero world" during her talk with Saitama in his apartment, putting him alongside King in terms of power.[24] Sitch also mentions that he would only present himself if humanity is in peril and that he is valuable enough to receive special treatment over the other heroes.[25] In a display of his strength, he was able to bring Elder Centipede, a Dragon-level threat strong enough to combat the likes of Bang, Bomb, and Genos simultaneously, to the brink of death. However, Elder Centipede was smaller and presumably weaker when he first fought Blast. Despite this, Gyoro Gyoro believed that Blast could still defeat Elder Centipede even in his current state.[26]

Right before meeting Tatsumaki in the past, Blast could easily kill a giant monster that could smash through reinforced steel doors.[27] When placing his hand on Tatsumaki's head, he experienced a vision of Fubuki and deduced their sibling relationship. Due to this, it is implied that Blast may have some sort of psychic or mind-reading ability.[28] According to Sitch, he is the only hero able to fight against "God" thanks to his ability to manipulate space-time.[29]

Blast (17)

Remarkably, Blast has proven capable of holding his own against Awakened Garou Cosmic Fear Mode, an immensely powerful and dangerous adversary whose abilities were enhanced by "God", a mysterious entity that possesses frightening supernatural powers, prompting the Hero Hunter to acknowledge his standing as the top-ranking S-Class hero. Due to his prioritization of preventing collateral damage on Earth and ensuring the safety of the unconscious heroes nearby, it's possible that Blast did not reveal the full extent of his abilities while fighting Garou.[30] Fifteen years ago, Blast fought and defeated Empty Void, the leader of the Ninja Village and his former partner, who also received power enhancements from the same mysterious entity as Garou. The injuries sustained in the battle took Void 15 years to recover from.

In the databook, Fubuki speculates that Blast is stronger than King, can shoot lasers from his eyes and rules over psychic powers, and can command trillions of robots. She hypothesizes that he could beat the rest of the S-Class simultaneously.[31]

Physical Abilities[]

Blast (18)

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Blast is incredibly fast and agile, being one of the fastest individuals shown. He has demonstrated his superiority over Flashy Flash, an S-Class hero well-known for his own extraordinary speed, by being capable of dodging the latter's fastest kicks from very close range and appearing behind him faster than Flash could even perceive.[32] Notably, he was capable of keeping up with and fending off attacks from Cosmic Fear Mode Garou,[30] an opponent whose speed, even in an inferior form, allowed him to combat and travel huge distances in mere milliseconds.[33] As another testament to his staggering reflexes and reaction times, when Saitama and Garou were rushing towards each other, Blast was capable of activating his portal abilities to transport both of them outside the planet in the brief instant before their powerful punches could connect.[34]

Immense Strength: Blast possesses immense levels of physical strength, easily able to carry around a mysterious cube, even casually spinning it on his fingertip in a playful fashion.[10] Meanwhile, the aforementioned cube is heavy enough to cause Flashy Flash's arm to get stuck under it and sink into the ground upon being tossed away by Saitama.[35]

Radiation Resistance: Blast has strong resistance to radiation. He could withstand the cosmic radiation emitted by Garou without suffering any adverse effects, despite the radiation being potent enough to cause many other heroes nearby to collapse and die shortly after.[30]

Supernatural Abilities[]

Portal Creation: Blast possesses the ability to generate hyperspace portals, which can resemble black holes, enabling him to teleport to different places,[36] travel into another dimension, and transport objects.[10] These portals can be of varying sizes, from small enough to barely fit small objects like a cube, to large enough to encompass entire structures like the Hero Association Headquarters. The exact limits of portal size are not explicitly shown. When generating a portal for teleportation, Blast clasps his fists together, causing an infinity symbol to manifest across his fists.[37]

Blast (19)
  • Spatial Displacement: An application of Blast's ability to generate hyperspace portals, wherein he can spawn spatial spheres that manipulate the spatial coordinates of targets. This allows him to warp parts of structures or even teleport entire complexes. For instance, he used these spatial spheres to selectively carve out sections of the Ninja Village's structure, resulting in spherical voids in the affected area. He also deployed this ability to relocate the entire Hero Association Headquarters to avoid Empty Void's attack that would have otherwise destroyed it.

Gravity Manipulation: Blast possesses the ability to manipulate gravity.[30] He can employ it to augment the force of his punches. Moreover, he can manipulate gravity waves capable of twisting and altering the trajectory of cosmic rays and radiation, indicating an extreme level of gravitational control. For instance, he utilized this manipulation of gravitational forces to bend and redirect the majority of Garou's emitted cosmic radiation into another dimension via a black-hole-like portal.

  • Flight: Blast possesses the capability of floating or levitating mid-air, possibly linked to his manipulation of gravity.

Energy Projection: Blast has the ability to emit energy blasts from his fists for offensive purposes. These energy blasts, which resemble his Gravity Knuckle, presumably possess gravitational properties as well. He can employ his hyperspace gates to unleash bursts of energy from various unexpected directions to better hit his opponents, making it harder for them to anticipate and evade his assaults.

Blast (20)

Heightened Awareness: Blast possesses a heightened sense of awareness that enables him to gauge the potency of attacks based on their energy levels and perceive approaching dangers. When Saitama and Garou were on the verge of colliding punches, he sensed that the immense energy contained in their fists could obliterate the Earth, prompting him to teleport them outside of the planet before the collision. In addition, while inside the Hero Association complex, he sensed an impending Dimensional Slash from Empty Void, a technique facilitating surprise assaults, and quickly teleported the whole structure away to avoid the devastating effects of Void's attack.

Fighting Style[]

Blast (21)

Spatial Portal Generation: Blast exhibits the remarkable ability to generate spatial portals, which he employs strategically during battles.[30] By utilizing these hyperspace portals, he can redirect incoming attacks from his adversaries, strike them unexpectedly from blind spots, deliver multiple blows in quick succession, and forcibly transport them to different locations, as demonstrated in his fight against Garou in the Ominous Future. However, he noted that the gates were bursting from the energy overload of Garou's attacks.[30]

  • Dimension Cannon (次元砲ディメンションキャノン, Dimenshon Kyanon): After clasping his fists together, Blast shoots a miniature singularity in the direction of his opponent to forcefully teleport them to another location at his discretion.[30]
  • Gravity Knuckle (グラビティナックル, Gurabiti Nakkuru): Blast uses gravity to enhance his fists, allowing him to deliver powerful punches. He could knock Cosmic Fear Mode Garou around and throw him off balance with this attack, albeit the Hero Hunter did not suffer serious damage.[30]
  • Shut (遮断シャット, Shatto): Blast clasps his hands together to close two portals upon one another.[30] He can use this ability to trap his opponents in a different dimension.


Mysterious Cubes: A series of cubic objects that enable humans to contact with "God" and transform into monsters.[38] Blast was shown to hold a cube when having a conversation with Tatsumaki 18 years ago,[39] and he later appears again to collect the cube touched by Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako.[40] It is also revealed by him that there are multiple of these cubes in various places.[41] The cubes can distort the space and time within its vicinity. Blast has been collecting these cubes as a "hobby" of his and teleports them to unknown locations.[40]


  • (To Sweet Mask) "It's fine now."[42]
  • (To Tatsumaki) "...I guess this is more of a hobby."[43]
    • "When the time comes, don't go expecting someone to come save you."[44]
  • (Regarding Garou) "I hope he'll listen to reason and come along with me, but if'll be a battle for supremacy between two beings who manipulate the reality of the decide who is right and who is wrong...!"[30]


Blast (22)
  • Blast's debut in the manga was originally less ambiguous, clearly showing a long head of hair and a cape. However, in the tankōbon release of the manga, his appearance was changed to be even more mysterious and equivocal.[45]
  • Blast appears to share some traits with DC Comics superhero Superman, namely his hairstyle, status as the world's number one hero and tendency to keep his personal life secret.
    • Additionally, according to Fubuki,[31] Blast can shoot laser beams through his eyes, a clear reference to Superman's heat vision.

Blast (23) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.


  1. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 86, page 5
  2. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 86, page 4-5
  3. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 8
  4. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 119 (Online), page 20
  5. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 125
  6. 6.0 6.1 One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 106, page 8
  7. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 16-21
  8. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online)
  9. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 166 (Online), page 5
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 9
  11. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 15
  12. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 166 (Online), page 15
  13. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 118
  14. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 173 (Online), page 19
  15. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online)
  16. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 85, page 43, and Episode 24
  17. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 173 (Online), page 20-21
  18. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 30, page 20, and Episode 10
  19. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 31, page 2, and Episode 10
  20. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 86, page 4
  21. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 119 (Online), page 16-17
  22. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 135 (Online), page 9
  23. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 15-21
  24. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 45, page 13
  25. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 86, page 5
  26. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 85, and Episode 24
  27. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 15
  28. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 19
  29. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 173 (Online), page 23
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 166 (Online)
  31. 31.0 31.1 One-Punch Man Encyclopedia; One-Punch Man: Hero Encyclopedia, page 79
  32. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 12-13
  33. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 156 (Online)
  34. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 167 (Online), page 2-5
  35. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 138 (Online), page 32-33
  36. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 141 (Online), page 12-13
  37. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 15
  38. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 173 (Online), page 19
  39. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 16
  40. 40.0 40.1 One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 8-9
  41. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 139 (Online), page 8
  42. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 135 (Online), page 9
  43. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 17
  44. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 137 (Online), page 21
  45. One-Punch Man Manga; Volume 17
  46. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 106


ve Hero Association
S-Class1. Blast • 2. Tornado of Terror/Tatsumaki • 4. Atomic Samurai/Kamikaze • 5. Child Emperor • 6. Metal Knight/Bofoi • 7. King • 8. Zombieman • 9. Drive Knight • 10. Pig God • 11. Superalloy Darkshine • 12. Watchdog Man • 13. Flashy Flash • 14. Demon Cyborg/Genos • 15. Metal Bat/Bad • 16. Tanktop Master (Tank Topper Army) • 17. Puri-Puri Prisoner
A-Class1. Sweet Mask • 2. Iaian • 3. Okamaitachi • 4. Bushidrill • 5. Heavy Tank Loincloth • 6. Blue Fire • 7. Magic Trick Man • 8. Death Gatling • 9. Tanktop Vegetarian • 10. Stinger • 11. Twin Tail • 13. Great Philosopher • 16. Butterfly DX • 17. Lightning Genji/Genji • 19. Lightning Max/Max • 22. One Shotter • 24. Green • 25. Crescent Eyebroll • 26. Golden Ball • 27. Smile Man • 28. Spring Mustachio • 29. Narcissistoic • 30. Peach Terry • 31. Forte • 32. Shadow Ring • 33. Doll Master • 34. Feather • 35. Air • 36. Chain'n'toad • 37. Biting Snake Fist Sneck/Sneck • 39. Caped Baldy/SaitamaHeavy Kong
B-Class1. Blizzard of Hell/Fubuki (The Blizzard Group) • 2. Eyelashes • 3. Mountain Ape • 4. Mad Devil Yankee • 6. Wild Horn • 20. Glasses • 25. Pink Hornet • 29. Double Hole • 39. Smell Master • 39. Reclusamurai • 43. Gun Gun • 49. Butcher • 50. Jet Nice Guy • 60. Needle Star • 65. Piko • 69. Crying Man • 70. Trap Tengu • 71. Captain Mizuki/Mizuki • 74. Lily of the Three Section Staff/Lily • 77. Bone • 81. Tanktop Black Hole • 93. Mushroom • 99. ShooterDarkness BladePineapple
C-Class1. Mumen Rider/Satoru • 3. Monster Roper Shell • 13. Tanktop Tiger • 22. D-Pad • 40. Funeral Suspenders • 66. Food Battler Futoshi • 85. Battery Man • 89. Red Muffler • 111. Armored Chief Clerk • 133. Gearsper • 141. Skunk Boy Gasmask • 174. Grave Eight • 179. Ecolo G • 203. Monocross • 221. Dynamite Man • 225. Angry Man • 283. Horse-Bone • 295. Studless • 300. Poison • 331. Bunbun Man • 347. Hyottoko • 359. Saturn Man • 385. Red Nose • 390. SwimLecture ManMohicanWater GunShoulderpadsHacker NetMeat PounderRabbitCherionFantas
Undetermined ClassGunmaTanktop GirlTanktop RockabillyTanktop RacerTanktop Al DenteTanktop SwimmerTanktop JungleTanktop MaskTanktop HatterTanktop DoctorPandaman
Ex-HeroesAll Back-ManSilver Fang/BangGrad School GraduateSerial Bomber
Staff MembersAgoniBushoC Branch OperatorCautousConsole OperatorExmaGishGobrichJinzurenMain Branch OperatorMcCoyNarinkiSekingarShelter Nr. 7 GirlShizukaSitchSome Important GuySpecial Committee GirlTorgevaZ Branch Committee GirlZ Branch OperatorZeimeet
Blast (2024)


What is the meaning of BLAST? ›

an exciting and enjoyable experience: The party was a blast. blast. verb. /blæst/

What does BLAST mean in slang? ›

slang. a very enjoyable or thrilling experience. the party was a blast.

What does "have a blast" mean? ›

Today's Phrase 🤓📝 🕺🎉 "Have a blast" means to have a great time, to have a lot of fun . Example: Have fun on the party, I hope you have a blast!

What is the synonym of BLAST? ›

blast (verb as in explode) Strongest matches. blow up bomb burst damage demolish destroy detonate injure kill shatter wreck.

What is blast short for? ›

BLAST is an acronym for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool.

Is blast a bad word? ›

Blast is a commonly used (mild) profanity in Britain. In my personal experience it was most commonly used in the presence of children instead of stronger expletive. Most typically I would hear 'damn and blast'.

What does blast text mean? ›

The term text blast is used to describe an SMS text message that is sent to multiple phone numbers utilizing an automated messaging system. Text blasts are a simple and effective way for a person or organization to communicate a message quickly to a large number of people.

What is the informal meaning of blast? ›

blast noun (ENJOYMENT)

[ C usually sing ] slang. an exciting and enjoyable experience: The party was a blast. blast. verb.

Is it okay to say have a blast? ›

So, TO HAVE A BLAST is usually used to talk about something that a person has experienced, say, “I HAD A BLAST at the party last night.” Whereas, TO BE A BLAST is usually used to talk about that something being a good experience. So, “The party last night WAS A BLAST.” So, there you go.

What is an example of blast? ›

Noun She opened the door and felt a cold blast. He was hit by a blast of water from the hose. The driver gave a long blast on his horn.

What does blast mean on social media? ›

When someone says they're going to "put someone on blast," it means they intend to publicly expose or criticize that person's actions, behavior, or personal information. It typically involves sharing negative or embarrassing details about them to a wide audience, often through social media or other public platforms.

What does gotta blast mean in texting? ›

Gotta blast: I have to leave. Hop off: Mind your own business. Jawn: Thing, object, person, place. On blast: Expose/call out someone.

What is meant by blast? ›

1. countable noun. A blast is a big explosion, especially one caused by a bomb. 250 people were killed in the blast. Synonyms: explosion, crash, burst, discharge More Synonyms of blast.

What can I say instead of a blast? ›

What is another word for have a blast?
get one's rocks offluxuriate
have a good timehave fun
indulge inluxuriate in
rejoice inrevel in
take pleasure inget one's jollies
5 more rows

What does today was a blast mean? ›

"Blast" is slang for a very exciting or pleasurable experience or event. So it means that the clerk was very happy to be interviewed.

What does blast mean in work? ›

The mnemonic stands for Believe, Listen, Apologize, Satisfy, and Thank (Table 1).

Have a blast meaning birthday? ›

Idiom of the Day: "Have a blast" Meaning: To have a good time or to enjoy. Example Usage: I hope you have a blast at your birthday party. . . . . . . . # aems #overseaseducation #studyinusa #studyincanada #studyabroad #canada #usa #australia.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.